Monday, April 30, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Where there's a will, there's a Woman ~ Abiola
3. Where did you grow up? I am a native New Yorker. I was born in Brooklyn, raised in Queens, went to middle school and high school on the Upper East Side and went to undergrad upstate. My family is from Guyana though, in South America. So it was New York until I walked into my parent's front gate. Then I was in Guyana USA!
4. Name 5 women who inspire you. I am inspired by Oprah Winfrey, of course, Martha Stewart, Michelle Obama, affirmation master Louise Hay, and the writer SARK.
5. If you had to recommend 1 good book, what would it be? Oh come on-- of course I must recommend Dare by Abiola Abrams, a thirty something year old empress living in Harlem!! You just wouldn't respect me if I said anything else! *giggling.*
6. Do you believe in miracles? I absolutely believe in miracles. My very existence is a miracle. My mom says I was born weeks early. I couldn't wait to get out and get started. I am the daughter of immigrants, great-great granddaughter of slaves-- from a completely different continent. I a descended from Africans in South America. Heck yeah I believe in miracles! You can find out more about Abiola at or Leave a comment!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Arts.Advocacy+Wellness: "Thought for the day: The Four Agreements""

First Agreement – “Be Impeccable With Your Word”
There are people we come across in life that will use their word to tarnish us. When we are not fully awakened and solid in our spiritual foundation, we tend to take on that tyranny of self-doubt causing harm to ourselves. Sometimes as kids our tyrants are our parents, who may have no intentions of harming us but this is what they know. As an adult, in a more awakened state, it is now up to us to not take this on from any human being. Recognize and forgive the person because they are not awakened in the moment and know no better. We must also forgive ourselves if we chose to accept it and placed blame and doubt on our physical mind and body.
I take responsibility for me and practice daily not blaming or judging me in all I do: In my decisions, in my lifestyle, career, recreation, sexual identity, and whom I chose to be with intimately. I am a man of my word and who ever I deal with professionally or intimately must also be impeccable.
Connect with me online:
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Hosted By CHERYL WILLS – NY1 News
PHILLIP BLOCH, acclaimed Television personality, host of “Cause Celeb with Phillip Bloch” on ABC News, CONSTANCE C.R. WHITE, Editor In Chief, Essence Magazine and KEVIN LILES world-renowned music mogul and Founder/CEO of KWL Enterprises are being honored by INSPIRED IN NEW YORK on April 24, 2012 at Tian At The Riverbank in Harlem, NY. Attendance is by INVITE ONLY.
Phillip Bloch, Constance C.R. White and Kevin Liles were chosen to receive this recognition by the honorable Councilwoman Inez Dickens due to their many years as innovators and trendsetters in the arts media and entertainment industries. All honorees will receive a proclamation from New York for their contributions.
The crème de la crème of the entertainment industry will be in attendance to support and honor these trendsetters and innovators on their very special day.
Media Sponsor: Uptown Magazine.
Contributing Sponsors: CME Group, Promotional Pro, MEGA Personalities, International Festival Network, Lezplay Radio, and MVC Productions.
RSVP at:
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Are You Still The Same Person From High School?
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Arts.Advocacy+Wellness: "Thought for the day: The Four Agreements""

"The FOUR Agreements"
by Don Miguel Ruiz
It has been nearly 10 years since I first read the four agreements. In a mature state and definitely in a more grounded spiritual place, revisiting the book 10 years later was an act of divine intervention. Even more interesting and purposeful, this book came at the beginning of my yogi teacher training and my life transition from NYC to LA. It is always so interesting reading a book for the second time and when there is a huge time gap between each read, new information is received and lessons that always need to be remembered are revisited.
The domestication of humans simply is how we are shaped, which begins at birth. At birth, and I can say even before we are born into this world, there are systems of rules conditioning and controlling the way we live, think, and breath. We are not given a choice. We are told what to do, not allowing the brain and mind to take shape and grow into our own identity. This is not to point blame on anyone, it is just the way it is in this society. That being said, I feel it is ok to have guidance from an elder, however one needs the freedom to experience many facets of life without fear, shame guilt, and rejection. Now there are some children and some families who don’t have rules in their household, but I think its safe to say they are a rarity in this society. I can relate to the domestication from our elders. In no harmful way, they are trying to prepare the young child for the realities of the world, and their teachings were passed down from generations to generations of older philosophies and principles. The world today is now shifting. With science and technology we have more information; information that releases the shackles from certain limited or restricted thinking. We have the power to reshape, define, and/or redefine who we truly are. And while, economics is still an issue for certain demographics (not having access to affordable education and healthcare), we have always had access to personal freedom, we just were never made aware of it, it was kept from us, or we forgot. A book simply written like the Four Agreements is a vessel to help liberate our thinking and way of living.
For the next four weeks I will debrief how each chapter speaks to me. I invite you to join in the conversation.Miguel Expresses Artistic Musical Sexiness
Since Miguel released the video Arch & Point from Volume 2 of his Art Dealer Chic EP series, I've been obsessed!! It just serves as another confirmation of his skill of not only expressing sexiness in his music but also complimenting it through his video interpretations. How many videos of today can you say do that? Most of the time you're left confused or disappointed as to how a video even relates to the vibe and content of the song.
With undeniable comparisons to Prince, I believe Miguel has picked up from where Prince left off but has also found his own style by incorporating this edgy, futuristic vibe. In his catalog of videos, we are left with this sensual picture that is painted to convey the sexy sounds of Miguel's music, leaving our imaginations going wild.
In Arch & Point, what first got me was the guitar riff. . . how can something so simple sound so effortlessly sexy, leaving you in a trance? After watching the video a few more times, I then turned my attention to the visuals in the video. Throughout the video, Miguel is seen playing the guitar at the mic, while a female dancer performs around him You can't help but to draw your attention to her. . .the choreo is just HOT! My fav part starts at 0:20. . . pay attention to her especially at 0:25. . . her moves goes with the beat as Miguel sings "arch your back, point your toes". . . that joint is just. . just. . .WOW!
Click here to download the Art Dealer Chic EP.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
My Friend Cornelius Jones Jr is KING!!!

"The Lion King" has dethroned "The Phantom of the Opera" as Broadway's all-time box-office champion. The Disney musical, based on the popular animated movie, has grossed a total of $853.8 million since opening on Broadway in 1997.
The gross figure, which represents Broadway box-office receipts only and not worldwide revenue, was confirmed by a spokeswoman at Disney Theatrical Productions. She said the figure has not been adjusted for inflation.
"Phantom" has grossed approximately $853.1 million since opening in 1988.
The crowning of "The Lion King" as Broadway's new box-office leader comes with a caveat, however. The Disney musical has benefited from higher ticket prices than "Phantom."
Figures provided by the Broadway League show that the average ticket price for "The Lion King" was recently $155.09, compared with a recent average ticket price for "Phantom" of $98.97.
Lil Mogul is so PROUD of him!!!
Birthday Wishes to all you pioneering Aries by Louisa J. Curtis

Bessie Smith 1894 – 1937 & Billie Holiday 1915 - 1959

Pearl Bailey 1918 – 1990 & Sarah Vaughan 1924 - 1990
All these examples of Aries are headstrong, inspirational people who are passionate about what they do. And another thing you may have noticed by now is how similar they all look? They all tend to have large heads, and in particular, prominent foreheads, typical of the hardheaded Aries. The ram butts with its head, does it not? Now I know I’ve mentioned in a previous bulletin that Aries rules over the head, so it’s no big surprise that these people like to wear hats and is why we have the custom for dressing up in our “Easter Bonnets.” The Planet Mars rules our aggressive sign of Aries, and many “Martian” professions also involve wearing hats or protective headgear of some kind, such as the Military, Police, Firemen, and Chefs, yes Chefs – this is no accident (no pun intended!) but Aries can be accident-prone as well, so be sure to read this month’s tips! In fact, I noticed how much clumsier I became as soon as we had moved in to the sign of Aries last month, and even today while I was cleaning the kitchen, I managed to break something!
Back to hats, and although the main celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee don’t take place until June, I wanted to share this timely piece I found in a “People” magazine recently. I thought it was a brilliant story of how her headgear has evolved over the past 60 years, and no, she is not an Aries herself, it was the “hats” that caught my eye! But notice also, that we are talking about her “Diamond Jubilee” and guess what Aries’ stone is – of course it’s the diamond, considered to be the hardest material on earth, a bit like Aries’ head!

A History of the Queen’s Hats from 1953 - 2012
As always we send out Birthday Wishes to all you pioneering Aries!
Transsexual artist Titica takes Angola by storm

By Louise Redvers
She is bold, she is bright, she is beautiful and she is taking Angola by storm. Not bad for a transsexual in a Catholic African country where homosexuality is illegal and punishable by hard labour.
Born in Luanda as Teca Miguel Garcia, singer and dancer Titica adopted her female persona four years ago following a breast enhancement operation in Brazil.
Now, at 25, Titica is the new face of Angola’s unique urban rap-techno fusion music style known as “kuduro”.
By day her songs boom from minibus taxis, by night they fill Luanda’s dance floors and at the weekends she has become the essential soundtrack for children’s parties.
Named best kuduro artist of 2011, she is a regular on television and radio, and has even performed at the annual Divas concert, attended by President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, where she herself was named a diva.
With a training in ballet, she first got involved in kuduro as a backing dancer, supporting popular acts such as Noite e Dia, Propria Lixa and Puto Portugues.
Last October she released her first song, Chao, which to date is one of the most-played kuduro tracks in Angola and its diaspora.
This month Titica will embark on her first international tour with dates so far fixed for Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Read the entire article at:
Thursday, April 12, 2012
New Documentary Explores How Music Restores Lost Identities of Elderly
Many people have seen the clip below of the elder man named Henry who at first was unresponsive, comes alive when he hears music.
When asked if he likes music, Henry's response is like any other music lover. . . "I'm crazy about music!" Then when asked what does music do to him, he responds "It gives me the feeling of love, romance." My favorite part of the clip starts at 4:30 when Henry starts singing one of his favorite Cab Calloway songs and ends it with an "OW". . . too cute! It's crazy how earlier in the clip, Henry couldn't even remember his own daughter name but ask him his favorite band/song and he'll tell you. Kind of like ask a kid what they remember from school and they'll have a blank stare on their face but they can recite every word to a song.
To read the rest of the post, click here.
Has Your Best Friend Become Your Career?
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
LaChanze, Will Power, Kamilah Forbes and More live in performance April 30th
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Arts.Advocacy+Wellness: "Thought for the day"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Film Explores Term ‘Gay For Stay’ & Risky Behavior of Black Men Post-Prison
There’s a video that has been circulating on the web discussing black men and their behavior post-prison. Throughout the short film called Earl’s Post-Prison Playdate, the director exploits the downlow lifestyle, breaks down the unstable black family dynamics and educates viewers on the risky behaviors men learn from being in jail.
Earl’s Post-Prison Playdate was written, directed, and produced by award-winning NYC filmmaker, Rod Gailes OBC. Richard S. Carroll Jr., Pernell Walker from the Sundance-Hit, Pariah, and Iris Wilson of Broadway’s FELA star in the short.
Most of the controversy from blogs and critics overshadow the real meaning of the film. The film was created as part of an HIV/AIDS awareness campaign addressing lifestyle issues affecting our community. HIV/AIDS is a huge epidemic in our community- no matter the sexuality. Even though I felt I was watching a script full of stereotypes, I know this is real life for many people in our community (or at least some variation). The message still remains the same: go get tested!
Please check out the video below and share with your friends:
Earl's Post-Prison Playdate: Feature from OBC DreamTheatre on Vimeo.
Friday, April 6, 2012
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The Strange Things About The Johnson's FULL MOVIE

Okay, ok... I'm a few months behind on this film and this topic; however, I watch it this week. WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! I don't know what else to say. YOU MUST WATCH FOR YOURSELF.
The Johnsons are an attractive, well-to-do, upper-middle class family. Sidney, husband and father, is a famous poet, known and adored for his kindness and sensitivity. Joan, wife and mother, is a dutiful housewife, an obsessive homemaker and the life of every party. Their son, Isaiah, is a charismatic young man who has just gotten married to an equally appealing young woman. In fact, there is only thing that separates the Johnsons from their charming friends and neighbors: Isaiah, the son, has been molesting Sidney, the father, since he was twelve years old. And what's more, Sidney has written a memoir that chronicles, in great detail, the ins-and-outs of this unseemly father-son relationship. Will the manuscript ever see the light of day, or will young Isaiah have a thing or two to say about it? THE STRANGE THING ABOUT THE JOHNSONS is a dark satire of the domestic melodrama, which asks "What if...?" and then, for some reason, comes up with an answer.
However, the comments are more interesting to me... What did you think of the film?
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Me -n- My Gay Son with Lady D
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Rihanna is a restless sleeper, is partial to rotary phones, and packs lightly in a video for Emporio Armani Underwear and Armani Jeans.

Rihanna is a restless sleeper, is partial to rotary phones, and packs lightly in a video for Emporio Armani Underwear and Armani Jeans. In the black-and-white video, there’s a rotary phone off the hook and Rihanna is tossing and turning in bed. She hangs up the phone, continues to toss and turn, looks at a Polaroid of a bathroom sink and mirror, turns up the steam and finds a note on the mirror: airport 6:00. Rihanna puts on a pair of jeans, a jacket, but no shirt, and leaves for the airport. Or does she? The video ends and she’s still in bed.
directed by Jordan Scott of RSA and edited by Cut + Run’s Dayn Williams.
Arts.Advocacy+Wellness: "Pump-Plie-Jump"

Jenna Talackova, Transgender Miss Universe Canada Contest, May Compete After All

The Miss Universe Organization announced Monday that it might reverse an earlier decision and allow a transgender woman to enter the Miss Universe Canada pageant.
Jenna Talackova, 23, was born male, leading organizers to disqualify her last month as a finalist in the 61st Miss Universe Canada pageant in May.
The rules of the contest run by Donald Trump's New York City-based organization say entrants must be "naturally born" females. The Vancouver woman underwent a sex change four years ago.
But shortly after Talackova announced a news conference in Los Angeles with high-profile lawyer Gloria Allred for Tuesday, the New York-based Miss Universe Organization said in a statement on the Miss Universe Canada website that Talackova can compete "provided she meets the legal gender recognition requirements of Canada, and the standards established by other international competitions."
The statement did not elaborate and messages seeking clarification from Miss Universe organizers were not immediately returned.
Vancouver constitutional lawyer Joe Arvay, who is on Talackova's legal team, told The Associated Press that Miss Universe Canada's latest statement about Canadian legal gender recognition requirements is "incomprehensible."
"I have no idea what they're talking about," he said.
Arvay said the pageant requirement for "natural born" females does not comply with Canadian human rights legislation and that a complaint will be filed with the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
"In the absence of clarity, we will be proceeding," Arvay said. "At the present time, it's gobbledygook."
Allred's office said its news conference is still proceeding as planned.
The disqualification won Talackova widespread sympathy and raised the question of whether the pageant has the right to decide who is female.
Her change of gender was hardly a secret before the event because she had competed in the 2010 Tiffany Miss International Queen Competition for transgendered and transsexual women in Pattaya, Thailand. In a video interview for that pageant, she said she had lived her life as a female since age 4, began hormone therapy at 14 and changed sex at 19.
"I regard myself as a woman with a history," she said.
Connie McNaughton, Miss World Canada in 1984 and first runner-up for the world crown, had called the decision outdated and discriminatory. Professor Patrizia Gentile of Ottawa's Carleton University, who did a dissertation on beauty pageants, equated the ban with the exclusion of blacks and Jews from pageants in earlier times.
From the conservative side of Canadian society, Gwen Landolt, national vice president of REAL Women of Canada, said the pageant was simply being realistic in barring Talackova.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
City Gym Boys Get A BANGIN' BODY by Charles LaSalle

The go-to guys for urban health and fitness point the way to summer's bangin' body. Charles LaSalle and his City Gym Boys first gained notoriety with their ripped bodies and popular beefcake calendars. But since LaSalle founded the group in 1997, they have made it their mission to mentor urban youth on the lifelong benefits of fitness and exercise. With practical advice on everything from diet to turning household objects into workout tools, "Get a Bangin' Body" explains why pumping iron is passe, and shares a body-weight-only program that anyone-whatever their age, income, or fitness level-can undertake.
NY, NY 10027
Monday, April 2, 2012
Patrick Ian Polks new film The Skinny premieres in Washington, DC & Atlanta
One Week Engagement Begins April 6th in Washington, DC & Atlanta, GA

From the director of cult classics PUNKS and NOAH'S ARC, comes the much-anticipated third feature film from Patrik-Ian Polk THE SKINNY, a sharply scripted comedy about a group of four young, black, gay men Magnus, Sebastian, Kyle, Joey and their lesbian best friend, Langston. They arrange to meet up in New York City one year after their graduation from Brown University. Their plans for a weekend of fun start off well, relaxed in each other's company as only old friends can be. But old tensions quickly resurface.
Drinking, drugs, hidden desire and the demands of promiscuity put friendship, trust and even lives at risk. In between sharp one-liners and a great soundtrack there's a few important lessons that these pleasure-seekers must learn for themselves. Written with a real sense of the demands of urban living, these bright and believable characters will remind you of someone you know. Remaining true to his past work, Polk addresses issues in THE SKINNY that face the LGBT community such as date-rape, infidelity, and HIV/AIDS awareness.
The film stars Jussie Smolett, Blake Young-Fountain, Anthony Burrell, Shanika Warren-Markland and Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman. Supporting cast includes alumnus of Polk's past features such as Darryl Stephens ("Noah's Arc"), Jennia Fredrique ("Noah's Arc"), Wilson Cruz ("Noah's Arc") and Seth Gilliam ("Punks"). Also, the film introduces new actors Dustin Ross and internet sensation B. Scott.
In an exciting partnership, the film has teamed up with the Black AIDS Institute to promote the importance of health in the LGBT Community, especially in the Black and Latino communities. The Institute will sponsor appearances, receptions and panel discussions in Washington D.C. and Atlanta featuring producer/director Polk and cast members Jussie Smollett, Blake Young-Fountain and Jennia Fredrique (who all appear in the Black AIDS Institute's latest PSA campaign "Greater Than AIDS"). The Skinny director and cast will be on hand to discuss the HIV awareness story-lines in the movie and other sexual health issues of importance to the LGBT population.
"I've been involved with the Black AIDS Institute since the early days of my NOAH'S ARC television series, and I've been addressing issues of HIV and AIDS in my work since my first film PUNKS," Polk explains. "So it makes perfect sense to partner with them to promote their great cause and highlight the HIV awareness issues raised in my new film THE SKINNY."
The film also features music written and performed by Patrik-Ian Polk. With tunes that illustrate the highs and lows of the film, Polk sings with his heart and soul to capture the essence of it all. Polk was inspired by artists such as Grammy-Award winning Adele to "who had created a very personal album based on her romantic experiences," he says. Polk continues to share coyly that, "...most of the songs I wrote, although they fit very nicely in THE SKINNY, are actually about some very personal experiences with...someone very specific."
For more information, see
Advance Movie Ticket Information
Atlanta, GA - Purchase Tickets HERE
Washington, DC - Purchase Tickets HERE