In 1998, Johnson took the company private, buying back all of its publicly traded stock. In 1999, BET was no longer a black owned business when Viacom bought BET for $3 billion. Johnson's 63% stake made him worth over a billion dollars after taxes, making him the richest black person until surrendering the title to

LM: What’s your Zodiac Sign?
TF: Aquarian
LM: Where were you born?
TF: Bridgeport, Connecticut
LM: Where do you currently live?
TF: Harlem USA
LM: Where did you go to college?
TF: BA in Communications – University of CT, MBA & MA in Management – Albertus Magnus College
LM: What do you do (career or claim to FAME)?
TF: Aside from my boutique web design agency, Prodigal Sun Design (www.prodigalsun.com) I am an Internet Entrepreneur. I just soft launched a new endeavor called ClubVIPlister.com that includes national gay nightlife listings, social networking, an entertainment blog, gay YouTube mega channel and lots of other cool features. Think gay facebook with nightlife listings.

LM: How did you get started in your new found career or industry?
TF: Initially, I presented my idea to some established LGBT magazines as additions to the websites that my company maintained. But each organization was more concerned with the cost than the opportunity. I then decided to stop giving away my ideas and to just do it myself.
LM: Do you think entrepreneurship is for everyone and/or important?
TF: It’s definitely not for everyone. It takes courage, tenacity and most of all the ability to tolerate uncertainty. Sure you can get a job with a guaranteed paycheck at maybe 65K a year, but that is the limit of what you could make. Whereas on your own, you may not have the guarantee of 65K, but your earning potential is only limited by your imagination... Most people opt for the paycheck.
LM: What was one of your highlights as an entrepreneur or during your career path?
TF: So far, my biggest accomplishment is completing the initial building phase of ClubVIPlister.com. It’s the realization of over a year of hard work and planning. But my greatest highlights are yet to come.
LM: What would you share with other getting started as an entrepreneur or on their career path?
TF: You have to believe in yourself, your abilities and your product. Don’t let naysayers stop you from pursuing your goals.
LM: If you can TELL the community to AWAKE UP – What should they be aware of?
TF: It annoys me when people hear me talk about my goals, and act as if it’s a pie in the sky fantasy. People become millionaires every day. Why can’t I be one of them? Why can’t you or anyone for that matter? And why not dream big and aspire to major goals. Dreaming is FREE! Oprah started somewhere. People can be so small minded in their thinking. So I want the community to think bigger and not so colloquially. And if you can’t wrap your head around the big dreams of others... Keep it to yourself.

LM: What is your ultimate 10 year plan for The Future?
TF: I see myself sitting comfortably on at least 8 figures, with several successful businesses including more web projects, some TV & Film productions as well as some real estate investments. I see myself positively impacting the lives of my family, those around me and the community. And I see all this from the terrace of my penthouse apartment with spectacular views of the city.
LM: What motto do you live by?
TF: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.
LM: President Obama has completed 1 year in office what do you think about this performance?
TF: He can’t fix the worst economic break down since the great depression in a year. And its especially difficult given the partisan politics of Washington. I think that he is doing the best job that he can, given the multitude of issues he inherited from the dumbest president in history.
LM: Have you seen a Change?
TF: It’s too soon to see any real results. Ask me again in 3 years.
LM: How will your service assist the consumer and/or community?
TF: My goal with this site is to make this site not only a good resource that lets people know what is happening in the community, but also helps people connect.
LM: What is next to the site?
TF: For now, I am just really focused on making this project a success. I have a bunch of other projects in preliminary phases... Doing research, making contacts, laying the groundwork but its too premature to reveal just yet. You will have to wait to see about those. So for now, check out www.ClubVIPlister.com and create a profile. Get on the list.

1 comment:
What I like about small business owners is that they are not afraid to take huge risks and lay it all on the line. But, I agree they do need a lot of help with their marketing. I think having them go the social media and email route is not only the least expensive but its also the most effective. Thanks for the stats!
With Facebook and Twitter being among the leaders of the Social networks, marketing as a small business is being transformed..
Respondents according to the Vertical Response survey appear to need some differentiation with the use of SE marketing and Social media Marketing
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