First Lady Michelle Obama was in town yesterday to bring Let's Move, the campaign to have children lead healthier lives through better nutrition and exercise, to some New York City children. At Harlem's Police Athletic League Center, she told kids, "You are our future, that's why I spent so much time with you guys. Turn off the TV, turn off the video games, put down the potato chips and the candy." The Daily News reports, "The latter part of Obama's lecture drew a few groans, but there were mostly smiles from the kids, who ranged in age from 5 to 13."
Obama also visited Newark, where WABC 7 got a more positive quote from one child, "I'm gonna make sure [my school will] have really healthy foods and no fried foods." But at the Harlem PAL, the kids got to work out with Obama, who even did shuttle runs with them! Here's some video of the event, which also featured Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and former Manhattan DA (forever), the 91-year-old Robert Morgenthau:
The First Lady also revealed what's happening at the White House, "We've sworn off the elevator at our home. We walk up the stairs. The kids don't like it, but they do it."
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