Hello FUTURE Family and AAW Readers, I need a brief moment of your time to share a youth fundraising project that I am supporting this year, called Opening Act. You may recall my posts about being a teaching artist for Opening Act from 2008-Jan 2011. Even after my departure this program remains special to me because I strongly believe in the organization's mission and the students whose lives have been changed for the better. This fall Opening Act is launching a 10 for 10 Campaign - 10 days to raise $10,000 through $10 donations for its 10th partnering school! This allows another NYC public school and its students a chance to experience life building skills through the techniques of theater training.
I am thrilled to be a part of this Campaign - and I need your support! I am so thrilled that I am stepping my game up by making an extra pledge: for every 10th friend that makes a $10 donation I will donate an additional $10, on top of the $10 that I've already contributed (up to 100 friends). So if I get 100 friends that means I'll match it with $100 + my original $10 which equals $110....I'm loving some $10!
Our goal is to have 1000 individuals (like you!) each donate $10, raising a total of – TADA! – $10,000! It’s a Campaign about small investments and big returns, and who couldn’t use more of that these days? Again, I'm doing this because I care and believe in this program and my students.
The campaign is in full force and ends September 21, so please don't hesitate to begin donating your $10 today. Just follow this link to Opening Act's website. AND Please...when you are making your pledge make sure to include my name, Cornelius Jones Jr., in the note/comment section so I can match your pledge!!! This notation of my name is really important, so please don't forget.
Here goes the direct link to the donation page: https://app.etapestry.com/ CHECK OUT the cool Testimonial videos below: |
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