Raz B is mighty talkative. Especially when upset. Bring up Chris Stokes, Marques Houston, Omarion or anyone who fits in-between and it's as if the 25-year-old's swallowed a green light. But the topic is one that Raz adamantly feels he has to come forth (again) about. Lies. Molestation. Homosexuality. Even two years following VIBE's investigative feature on B2K centered on allegations that Stokes molested members of the group and IMX, Raz believes not much has changed. Feeling compelled to revisit his past after resonating with the Bishop Eddie Long scandal, the frank ex-poptart got on the jack with VIBE to discuss his fears, truths, and sexuality.—Tracy Garraud
VIBE: Vibe's far from the first interview you've done this month. Do you feel like your life is being threatened?
Raz B: There’s pressure coming, but I have a lot of protection and when you work for God you have nothing to worry about. People ask why are you coming out now but this has been going on for a very long, Chris has been molesting boys for a while.
How many boys total do you think it's been?
A lot of people share their stories with me. And it's all crazy. Chris used to have me have sex with him and he used to suck my penis. This stuff is satanic, but I thank God for my testimony so I can help someone else.
How long was this going on for?
Between the ages of 13 and 17.
Were you threatened with anything if you refused to have sex with him?
He would text me and say well you know what I did. The confusion is Chris did molest me but they thought he was putting his penis in my bootyhole. But that was Marques Houston. I'm very vocal [now]. I'm not afraid of anything.
Were there any condoms involved?
Um, maybe once it was unprotected. I believe so.
But did you ever adamantly say 'No'?
Finally when I was able to realize these niggas were really gay I was able to leave.
You didn't realize you were taking part in homosexual acts before 17?
Well I didn’t know what the fuck was going on. I was a young kid and these people took advantage of me.
Since this went on for so long, I imagine you may questioned your sexuality?
After awhile… I knew I always liked women and I’ll forever like women. I've never had any male on male relationships. Besides from my past, I’ve never been with a man.
You didn't question yourself in the slightest? Did you not want to even think about the possibility?
As I got older as I got enlightened. Before I lived w Chris I was speaking in tongues. When you got all this money around you're very blinded. As you get older things start to change. But Chris Stokes is a monster and I feel sorry for Marques Houston.
Have you heard if Marques still having sex with young men or boys?
I’ve heard stories that he's had sex with very well known [male] dancers in the game.
So he's a gay man with a problem...
I don’t know Marques like that to say. But any person trying to mess with kids and have sex like that… that’s gay to me homie.
Damn. What kind of psychological damage has your past done to you?
It's done a lot. I'm traumatized. I had to sit back and think. I have a five-year-old son now, so what is my son gonna think when he grows up? He's gonna know that his father spoke the truth. I have no shame in my game, God's going to handle it.
Why not just take Chris Stokes and Marques Houston to court?
That’s a demonic system.
Do you ever get scared that you could follow in the pattern of Chris Stokes and do this to another boy?
Never. I broke the curse. Never.
How did you break the curse?
Because that shit bothers me. I'm speaking up for kids that can't speak for themselves.
Why not be 100% sure by speaking with a psychologist?
The only help that I will ever need is Jesus Christ. I know in my heart and in my spirit what's right, and I know messing with children is wrong.
How did you react to Omarion recently saying you're doing this for attention and money?
That's sad— he just did another Chris Stokes movie, so he's over there supporting that devil. After awhile, it's like, how long can I protect you? I don't know what [his] issue is. Maybe you need to address those. I've never done anything to Omari. You want to talk about my glasses? My glasses are hot! They're one-of-a-kind. Shout out to StevieBoi.com who made my shades. Omari knows the truth. If I said something about him that I know personally about, he'll probably put out a press release saying that I'm lying, so I don't need any attention. You're not doing anything. Only person that's doing something is Raz B because I'm talking about Jesus Christ, and I'm talking about the message. I feel bad for Omari.
Lil Fizz was also joining in on the negative comments...
I'm doing what God wants me to do and it’s frustrating when there’s people like Fizz saying I'm a homo. I could say something about Fizz right now. Being honest, Fizz wants me to meet up w him so I can protect him. Me trying to protect the brand of b2k? That’s never going to happen until the brand is completely torn down like Jesus tore the temple down. Chris stokes is the monster and he’s going around creating other monsters. And my family will tell you the truth about chris stokes and his sister and all of 'em. They all used to be in rooms jacking each other and sucking each others dicks and stuff like that. My family wont lie.
Wow. How has your love life as a straight Black man been affected by this?
It hasn’t affected my love life. I’ve been with my girl for four years. She's the girl in my new video.
A lesbian friend of mine said she's seen you numerous times at gay pride parades. Why perpetuate that rumor?
I’m so comfortable with my sexuality where I don’t judge anyone. If you want me to support you, then I’m going to do that. I’ll deliver my message to anyone.
If you felt in your heart of hearts that you were gay, would you honestly embrace that?
No. Not at all.
Why’s that.
From my beliefs, I just wouldn’t. To each his own. I support humanity, the world being of children and taking care of the earth. That’s why I can appear anywhere. If you want me at your pride event, feel free to ask, I will come. Some of my biggest checks come from the homosexuality.
Have you lost males friends because of this situation?
To be honest I have very few friends, but a lot of real men around the world respect me
What about your male industry peers, is it ever awkward?
People don’t perceive me wrong. I’m in Crenshaw rifght now. When I’m at the BET Awards, Soulja Boy bigs me up. I just spoke to will.i.am for about an hour.
Is will working with you?
Nah not yet, but I told him I have a record I really want him to hear. It’s hard catching up with some of these producers. People like to mind their own business. A lot of people don’t want to be associated with messy situations.
This is very true... it seems like your past has infiltrated almost every aspect of your life. Did you ever look at suicide as an option for relief?
Yeah, but that’s a weakminded man.
When did you think of that?
I think about it all the time.
On a serious note?
Yeah, on a very serious note.
Have you attempted?
Never. I know God has a big plan for me. I want people to look at my story and be inspired.
When will your story end?
This is me documenting my life. I’m not trying to make anyone look bad. People want to make me out to look like a crazy person, but I’m a victim here. And it's in God's plan that I speak the truth.
VIBE.COM By: Tray Hova
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