Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Arts.Advocacy+Wellness: "Brazil - Boa Morte"

Cornelius goes Brazil:
Afro-Brazilian Culture - Boa Morte Style

Her name...(unknown to me) but she is
a dignified member, Sister, of the Festa da Boa Morte in Brazil.

In Bahia, Africa abounds! Salvador is the "most" African of all of the Brazilian cities. 90% of the population of over two million people has African ancestry. The local cuisine, musical traditions, dance forms and Bahia's vibrant visual arts are all testaments to this permeating African influence.
Cachoeira Bahia Festivals
Festa de Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte Festival falls on the Friday closest to 15 August and lasts three days. This is one of the most fascinating Candomblé festivals and it's worth a special trip to see it. Organized by the Irmandade da Boa Morte (Sisterhood of the Good Death)—a secret, black, religious society—the festival is celebrated by the descendants of slaves, who praise their liberation with dance and prayer and a mix of themes from Candomblé and Catholicism

Sisterhood of the Boa Morte Festival (Good Death) is the oldest organization for women of African descent in the New World. The Boa Morte Sisterhood is a secret society of African-Brazilian women, all descendants of African slaves, who sponsor a procession each August that parades through the streets of the historical city of Cachoeira on the banks of the Paraguacu River. It is perhaps the most important festival in the African Heritage calendar in Bahia and is a living tribute of African culture and Diaspora to the New World.

Join me as I travel and YouTube through a day at the Boa Morte Festival, concluding in a night out in the city of Salvador:

Tune in next Wednesday for more
Arts.Advocacy+Wellness with Cornelius Jones Jr.
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