Thursday, October 21, 2010

It Is What It Is Pt. 10 by Karen Minors

When I started seeing Carlos, Derek continued to come by my apartment, claiming he left something that he needed right away. I had no business getting involved with him in the first place. Never mess with your neighbor. It’s just too close for comfort. He eventually moved away, after getting evicted and taking a job down south. I put all my energy into my business, exercise, work, and rekindling a relationship with Carlos.
Joaquin was the next man, and you got that story on him.
Then there was Carlos. I really wanted to be with him, but after our relationships to others had ended, we didn’t want to ruin our lifelong friendship and be on the rebound with one another. I saw him off and on for the last two years of my relationship with Joaquin. Yes, I cheated; I was wrong. And I am not proud of it. I wasn’t ready to leave Joaquin completely. I really missed my friendship with Carlos, and I was being selfish. When Carlos began to back away from me, I made up my mind to let go of it altogether. 

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