Thank you to everyone who left me a special birthday message on Facebook. I have one request. Please post your favorite memory of me. I've been blessed to be on this planet for 38 years and I am grateful to be alive today. If you are reading this then I have impacted your life in some way. Hopefully, you have a fond memory of me at least. Ha ha!
Have a great Memorial Day!
hmmm..."directing" u on the corner in Brooklyn @ 2am... Thriftin'... "street" shopping the night before garbage pick-ups... bbq's... uno's... "treatin' yourself"... "shoo-oo-oo-oo-t!"... tobblerone's @ the film forum... your "extra" income @ the film forum--also known as "your stash"... your first condo purchase... getting together with your friends in DC...that CRAZY RAINBOW BRITE outfit u encouraged me to wear to an audition!...stopping Saul on the streets of Brooklyn & asking about amethyst rock :-)!...poetry in LA...all of your inspiring adventures & projects: south africa, landmark, graphic desgin, parties-workshops-seminars, brazil, one man shows, editing *o**!, film producing, the NOSE, your journey to living OUT loud,your grand entrance (about 2 hours late) to your bday party in DC--it was only 1.5 of us there, why did u need to make an entrance :-)??? okay, maybe it was 7 or so, but why were u late????, renting a U-Haul & moving to NY, sitting in the big window of your apt in Brooklyn with the flip phone u used to snap shut like u just let someone have it!, my baby shower, my "throom", introducing me to "Kerrrrrn"--luv her :-)!, introducing me to your mom--luv her even more!,introducing me to "Eriss, I specialize in hip-hop Jenkins"--luv him too! and other longtime friends of yours--"D. DMV Robinson", Debonaire--who i never thought cared very much for me, but whatever..., T-Mizzy, and of course, the Black Filmmakers Foundation where our friendship began. there are so many things about u and us that are my favorites. i love u immensely, and am so grateful to count you as a lifetime friend who's very much more like family! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NAY-UT!