Saturday, November 21, 2009

Zolra's Corner: My 8-9pm Show Schedule

At the end of the week, I realized something about my addiction to tv shows. My favorite scripted shows are around the 8-9pm time slot. Since I am starting to be honest with myself and revealing to you guys things I haven't told you guys, I will show you guys my schedule.

Monday- Gossip Girl- 8pm to 9pm on The CW

Tuesday- Melrose Place- 8pm to 9pm on The CW

Wednesday- Law and Order:SVU- 8pm to 9pm on NBC

Thursday- The Office and 30 Rock- 8pm to 9pm on NBC

Ain't it weird that some of my favorite shows are around the same time. There are many other shows I wish I could watch like "Courgar Town" and "Modern Family", but my Wednesday slot occupies the whole hour.

I hope you guys like any of my favorite shows. If you haven't seen them yet, ya'll should definitely watch them.

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