Thursday, October 22, 2009

Notes from Nathan: ToUch THR3E

I am on a mission TO CHANGE THE WORLD! I recently watched a movie called "Pay it Forward" and I was so inspired that I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a movement of my own. The movement is called The ToUch THR3E Mission. I detail everything in the video below. My goal is to have this video viewed by ONE MILLION people. Now, imagine if everyone who watches the video actually takes on touching the lives of THREE people, that would totally cause a shift in the world. I am very excited and cannot wait to see the outcome. I do hope that people actually email me too! But, am I ready for all those emails? YEP!

Since becoming a Life Coach, my life has shifted in a major way. I'm getting things done with much more velocity. I am producing results that I never thought I could produce. I am also coaching people on how to live a life that they love. This is amazing! I highly encourage people to hire a life coach. With the way things are going in the world, it's important to have a structure, a support and that's what I provide for my clients. As always, I am more than happy to have conversations with people to share with them the benefits of having a personal life coach.

Please feel free to email me at

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