Thursday, September 10, 2009

Semenya Smiling Despite a Scandal

Runner Ignores Gender Scandal, Gets a Glam Makeover
By Emerald Catron

In a perfect world, you'd know Caster Semenya as the teenage woman who can run half a mile in under two minutes. What you probably know her as is the athlete whose muscular physique prompted officials to order
a test to verify her gender. But her femininity isn't a question at all in the "after" shots of her makeover from South African magazine You.

Smiling Despite a Scandal

makeover proved to be a learning experience for Semenya, 18, who admits she doesn't know how to put on makeup. The photo shoots also gave her the rare opportunity to get dressed up, something a girl who's in school and race training doesn't get the chance to do very often. Says Semenya, "I didn't do this to prove a point but rather to have fun. I don't give a damn what people say about me. I like me the way I am, and who cares what other people say?"

Regardless of the controversy, South Africa has embraced its daughter since she took gold in the 800-meter race at the World Championships in Germany last month, She even met with Nelson Mandela, who praised her.

Click here to read the entire story: by Emerald Catron

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