Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Arts.Advocacy+Wellness: "Torya and Her Notes on Ubuntu"

Ubuntu Education Fund is positioning music as its bridge between Port Elizabeth and the rest of the world.

With that in mind, we have developed a partnership with Philadelphia band, GrindCity. GrindCity’s commitment is the real deal; they are a socially conscious band as concerned with the message as the music. They have recently garnered rave reviews as the opening act for Living Colour:

The band continues to impress fans while spreading awareness about Ubuntu Education Fund and the importance of practicing safe-sex. By making music that moves the crowd and partnering with causes they genuinely believe in, GrindCity has yet to hit a false note.

For details about the tour please visit them at:

Check them!

1 comment:

  1. GrindCity's music is great! Everyone who listens to their music, really loves it. I'm glad to see that they're true to their words.
