Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Are You An Urban Socialite?

By Deshawn Moody
Contributor Writer for The Future


Urban Socialites celebrates and promotes positive influences to enable cultural experiences. “Our model is based on exposure and the impact of cultivating oneself,” says Rameses Frederick, Founder of Urban Socialites.

Ladies and Gentleman, there’s a new infusion hitting the net and I’m sure you all will be a fan real soon. The founder and creator of Urban Socialites took a little time out to let The Future know how they plan to redefine themselves in ATL and the world.

“Make up your own PHILOSOPHY


“Invent your own STORY

“Perfect your own FLAWS

“Follow your own EVOLUTION

“Believe in your own TEAM
Rameses, can you tell us a little about Urban Socialites… Who is Urban Socialites?
We all are contributors. We really don’t have enough role models in the LGBT community. Urban Socialites is trying to redefine the face of the LGBT community, proving that we are far more than just a community that parties”.

So who Man’s the crew, who’s in charge?
We are a staff of four and I (Rameses) am the founder”.

What was the inspiration for Urban Socialites?
"About two years ago, I wanted to know what would transpire if I researched the word GAY. In an abundance, there were pages and pages of all types of sexual content, sexual images, and sex sites. That was a focal point I immediately wanted to change. I wanted to portray things differently. Focus more on important issues like the HIV/AIDS epidemic and it’s constant rise or other related issues. Work more on gaining relationships and networking rather than just HOOKING-UP."

What makes Urban Socialites different than any other publication?
"We promote the influence of the gay community but we embrace everyone, making us gender friendly. We focus on real issues that relate to everyone with the focal point of the LGBT community."

Is Urban Socialites only an online publication?
"Yes, Definitely. Print publication is the next stage for Urban Socialites. You can also feel free to order a copy as well."

So, it’s the end of NY Fashion Week, what’s in style in Atlanta?
"Hmmm… (pause), that’s very hard to define. To me Atlanta is second tier compared to New York. Our style is really defined by the person."

What is the Must-Have piece of the season?
(Laughs), "...a man bag very metrosexual. A Man Bag is always a must have."

What’s up next for Urban Socialites?
"There is a small tour scheduled for October. A tentative schedule is coming real soon."

What is one thing that you want people to remember when they think of Urban Socialites?
"That we are a positive movement Urban Socialites Status and Image redefined."

Check them out at:
Urban Socialites Online Magazine

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