Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Arts.Advocacy+Wellness: US HIV Travel Ban (Fears & Stigma)

The US is on it's way to lifting that travel ban, which allows HIV-positive visitors, to enter our country. However, there are other countries that are holding on to this discriminatory act such as: Brunei, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Singapore, Sudan, South Korea, Tunisia, Turks and Caicos Islands, and the United Arab Emirates. And although the U.S. is preparing to lift the ban, HIV-positive visitors, still face problems entering our country.

Why did we ever have a ban in the first place? And why is this going into effect in 2009? How do you honestly feel about this? Do you think this is a move in the right direction? Yes or no and why? What stigmas and or fears are you still holding onto around HIV?

I posed a lot of questions but please share freely. An open dialogue will help us better understand each other.

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