Friday, March 30, 2012

Vermont Hosts VIP Lounge at the NYC GLBT Travel Expo - Saturday, May 5, 2012

We are pleased to announce that the Vermont Department of Tourism will host a special VIP Lounge at the New York City GLBT Travel Expo to be held May 5, 2012 at the LGBT Center on 13th Street in Manhattan. The lounge will be for the media, exhibitors and sponsors of the event and other leading members of the lgbt travel industry.

Last year, Megan Smith, the Commissioner of Tourism, personally hosted the lounge. By doing so, Vermont is making a statement that they have become one of the great gay destinations” said Steve Levenberg, show producer. “We are thrilled to have them back.”

Featured at the Suite will be Vermont cheese and wines and other culinary treats.

NYC GLBT Travel Expo

May 5, 2012

The LGBT Center

208 W. 13 St.

New York, New York 10011

Noon to 5 pm.

The NYC GLBT Travel Expo is sponsored by:


Best Gay Cities

Delta Air Lines

Edge Media Network

GLBT Travel Store

Greater Miami CVB

H2Internet Services


MEGA Personalities

Next Magazine

NYC up and Out

Zenbiz Travel

Palm Springs Cocktail Challenge

TAG Approve Accommodations


Please visit our website

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Analyze This: "Part of Me" by Katy Perry

By J9 of J9's MusicLife

Analyze This:  An in depth look at the lyrical content of a song to provide insight

Days like this I want to drive away
Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade
You chewed me up and spit me out
Like I was poison in your mouth
You took my light, you drained me down
But that was then and this is now
Now look at me

This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
Throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows
But you’re not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no

I just wanna throw my phone away
Find out who is really there for me
You ripped me off your love was cheap
Was always tearing at the seams
I fell deep, you let me down
But that was then and this is now
Now look at me


Now look at me I’m sparkling
A firework, a dancing flame
You won't ever put me out again
I’m glowin’ oh whoa
So you can keep the diamond ring
It don't mean nothing anyway
In fact you can keep everything yeah, yeah
Except for me


This is the part of me
Away from me
This is the part of me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me...
Throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows
But you’re not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no

J9's Analysis:   I've always liked Katy Perry and last year when I saw her in concert, I got a whole new appreciation of her talent.  Surprisingly, it just recently dawned on me how deep my love is for Katy.  To some, they may not appreciate or understand her artistic expression or lyrical content but I do!  When I first heard Part of Me, I couldn't help but hear the strength expressed in the song.  And what great timing to highlight now, during Women's History Month.  Katy is one of those artists that represents different facets of a woman which is visible in all her songs.

To read the rest of the post, click here.

Notes from Nathan: What goals have you set?

ne thing about goals is that you get to set them. If you reach them FANTASTIC! If you don't, it's not the end of the world. You get to set a new goal and strive to accomplish it.

We are almost 4 months into the year. What goals have you accomplished so far?  Has your 2012 been all that you planned? Are you living up to your fullest potential?
 Be sure to take time to appreciate the little things. Listen to the wind. Help an elderly person across the street. Watch children play. Visit a friend.

Try something NEW and outside of your comfort zone.  One thing that helped me move from that safety net is finding a life coach or mentor.  My mentor is amazing. She holds me accountable to what I say that I'm going to do and helps me stay focused with my goals.

If for whatever reason you feel stuck and want to take your life up a notch, consider speaking with a life coach and taking full charge of your life. Remember if you don't, no one else will.

Have a Sevenly Day!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My sons look like Trayvon

As parents and godparents, we all have to warn our children about the dangers of the world—strangers, bullies, which streets not to walk down.
But there's a special pain in explaining to my sons the suspicion and dangers they face, simply by being young black men.

One month ago today, Trayvon Martin was walking through a gated community in Florida with nothing more than an iced tea and a bag of skittles. But being a young black man in a hoodie made him "suspicious" to George Zimmerman, who got out of his SUV, tracked Trayvon down, and shot him dead.1

On that terrible day, my special pain and fear as a parent became very urgent ... and very real. Racial profiling is a sickness in the soul of our nation. It limits our promise. It divides us. And one month ago, it robbed Trayvon Martin of his life.

Trayvon's story is already inspiring millions in the call for justice and an end to racial violence. It also moved writer/activist Kevin Powell, Akila Worksongs, Jasiri X and the folks at MoveOn and ColorOfChange to record a new powerful video "A Song for Trayvon." Please watch it and share it with your family and friends to inspire more people to join this growing movement:

When I heard about the news about Trayvon, my eyes welled with tears. I pictured my godson and nephews innocently walking home, just like Trayvon, and then never seeing them again—never hugging them. It was more than I could bear.

That's why I joined a SignOn petition calling for justice for Trayvon. It's been signed by more than 500,000 MoveOn members, and I'm delivering it to the Justice Department today. Already, the public pressure from us and our allies is making a difference.

The Justice Department, the State of Florida, and the FBI have launched new investigations, a new state prosecutor has been appointed, and a grand jury date has been set.2 But we need to keep building the call for justice. And we do that by making sure each and every American knows Trayvon's story.

Click here to watch and share a powerful video about the injustice done to Trayvon Martin.

President Obama said, "if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."3 He might be like Trayvon too, and Trayvon might have been like my two boys; or your son; or friends of your children, joining you at the dinner table.

But Zimmerman couldn't see past Trayvon's race and hoodie to the promising young man he was—a football player, a horseback rider, a hero who pulled his father from a burning kitchen.4 Trayvon was young, he was alive, he was beautiful.

All of us sharing Trayvon's story and calling out for justice are fighting back against racism and senseless violence, so one day we no longer have to fear our child's walk home in the darkness.

It's up to us to make sure that every person in America knows what happened to Trayvon and how his death moved us to tears and action. Help us grow this movement by sharing this video with everyone you know.

Click here to watch and share Trayvon Martin's story.

Thank you for standing up for Trayvon.

P.S. Today, vigils and rallies are taking place around the country to mark the one-month anniversary of Trayvon's death. To find an event near you, go to or check on Twitter using #vigils4trayvon.

P.P.S. Writer/activist Kevin Powell, who helped pull 500 people together in Brooklyn yesterday for the "A Song for Trayvon" event, has written a stirring and reflective piece for The Guardian on "Trayvon Martin and the fatal history of American racism." Check it out here.


1. "Trayvon Martin: Zimmerman was not following Neighborhood Watch 'rules,'" Chicago Tribune, March 24, 2012

2. "Calls for justice rage on a month after Trayvon Martin's killing," CNN, March 26, 2012

"Obama: Shooting death of Trayvon Martin a 'tragedy,'" Newsday, March 23, 2012

3. "Obama: Shooting death of Trayvon Martin a 'tragedy,'" Newsday, March 23, 2012

4. "Trayvon Martin's Family Calls For Arrest Of Man Who Police Say Confessed To Shooting (UPDATE)," The Huffington Post, March 8, 2012

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

Young, Fabulous & Broke?

by George Kevin Jordan

On a rainy Sunday after my writer's group I found myself waiting out the rain in a bookstore. I found a jewel of a book. Suze Orman's "The Money Book for the Young Fabulous and Broke"

I couldn't put it down. I read most of it in a single night. Most of the advice was simple, but it was an easy ready, with quick reference guides. And it occurred tome that I clung to this book because as an artist/writer many of us are stuck between starving artist and successful practitioner. Well, there are practical things you can do to not be so broke during your journey. This book helps. Take a read, and keep pushing towards your dreams.

Friday, March 23, 2012

White House LGBT Update: Deep in the Heart of Texas

Earlier this week, Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President, joined Attorney General Eric Holder in Arlington, Texas to deliver keynote remarks at the White House LGBT Conference on Safe Schools & Communities.

Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Obama, delivers keynote remarks along with Attorney General Eric Holder at the White House LGBT Conference on Safe Schools and Communities at The University of Texas at Arlington, Tuesday, March 20th, 2012. (Photo courtesy of The University of Texas at Arlington).

In speaking before an audience of over 400 teachers, students, parents, community advocates, law enforcement officers and officials, and elected officials, Valerie described the steps the Obama Administration has taken to ensure safety and security for all our young people – including LGBT students – in our schools and neighborhoods.

As she closed her remarks, Valerie told the story of Tempest Cartwright, a 12th grader from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, who experienced – but was able to overcome – bullying and whose story inspires us to continue to fight for safe schools and communities:

So in closing, I would share one more story from a leader who is here today. Because change doesn’t begin in Washington. Change happens because ordinary people do extraordinary things … people like Tempest Cartwright.

Tempest is from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma – she’s 18 years old. When word first got around her high school that she was gay, she lost friends. Some people stopped talking to her at church. Other students called her hurtful words that no young person should ever hear. For a while, Tempest was depressed. But she refused to let bullies ruin her life. As she put it, “Their attitudes and assumptions need to change, not me. If I don’t help that along, who will?

So today, Tempest is the president of her school’s gay-straight alliance – an alliance that has more than quadrupled its membership since she became involved. It’s not easy. In fact, it is hard. When her organization places posters around the school, they often get torn down. But she and other members keep putting them right back up. And every day, bit by bit, she changes the world around her. As she put it, “When people put me down, it inspires me to stand up.”

Well, young people like Tempest should inspire us all to stand up, and keep standing up, for what is right. To stand up for the safety of our children and neighbors. To stand up for the belief that in America, no one should face bullying, harassment, or violence because of who they are, because that’s not who we are.

Read Valerie’s remarks as prepared for delivery

Since launching the White House LGBT Conferences, we’ve been in Philadelphia, Detroit, and Dallas/Ft. Worth to discuss issues such as Health, Housing and Homelessness, and Safe Schools and Communities. Stay tuned for announcements about future White House LGBT Conferences on issues including HIV/AIDS, Aging, and Families.

Best regards,

Gautam Raghavan
Office of Public Engagement
The White House

In Case You Missed It: White House LGBT Conference on Housing & Homelessness

Earlier this month, hundreds of advocates, community organizers, and interested members of the public came together in Detroit, Michigan for the White House LGBT Conference on Housing & Homelessness to participate in a dialogue with the Obama Administration on these issues. The Conference was hosted by the White House Office of Public Engagement in partnership with the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and the Ruth Ellis Center, a Detroit-based center for runaway and homeless LGBT youth.

Secretary for Housing & Urban Development Shaun Donovan delivered keynote remarks at the Conference. In his remarks, Secretary Donovan described the important steps HUD has taken to ensure that all people – including LGBT people – have “a place to call home” and announced that HUD’s new Equal Access rule has gone into effect. Thanks to that rule, no one can be discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity when trying to access HUD funded programs or FHA insured mortgages.

Watch archived video of the opening session and Secretary Donovan’s keynote

Two panel sessions followed Secretary Donovan’s remarks: first, a panel of senior leaders that discussed the work being done across the Administration to address housing for LGBT people, and second, a panel of nationally recognized advocates who work directly with runaway and homeless LGBT youth.

Watch archived video of the panel discussions

President Obama Announces New Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy

Last week, President Obama announced the appointment of one of the nation’s leading public health policy experts as the Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) – Grant Colfax, M.D., the former Director of the HIV Prevention Section in the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Dr. Colfax will coordinate the continuing efforts of the federal government to reduce the number of HIV infections across the United States. A component of the White House Domestic Policy Council, ONAP emphasizes prevention through wide-ranging education initiatives and helps to coordinate the care and treatment of citizens with HIV/AIDS.

“Grant Colfax will lead my Administration’s continued progress in providing care and treatment to people living with HIV/AIDS,” said President Obama. “Grant’s expertise will be key as we continue to face serious challenges and take bold steps to meet them. I look forward to his leadership in the months and years to come."

Read more about Grant and the Office of National AIDS Policy

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What does it mean to live a full life?

What does it mean to live a full life?

Studies have said that the average person doesn't use half of their mental capacity.  So, I'm left to wonder, what's going on with the rest of my brain. If there is more of my brain to be used, then I want to learn how to tap into that and elevate to my fullest potential.

I'm someone who strives to accomplish goals that I set for myself. For me, my life is fullest when I am able to reach for things outside of my comfort zone.  One way that I achieve greatness is by investing in leadership classes and by stepping into leadership roles at my workplace. Lately, I've become fascinated by communication. Listening to the way people use words in different fashions, makes me wonder about the English language overall.

Striving to live a full life comes with a cost.  But what doesn't?  We have to be willing to give something up in order to graduate to that next level.  We can't move forward in life by doing the same things and expecting new results.  It just doesn't work that way. What I've learned, is that in order to have what you really want in life, you have to be willing to ask for support and guidance. So many people try to go at life alone and it's such a bad formula. Don't be afraid to ask for help!

When I chose to become an author, it was such a monumental shift for me. In that moment, I told myself that I was committed to causing a shift for myself in my life.  I want to live life to the fullest and to live my best life. My life has changed so much since starting on this journey. New life has be bestowed upon me and I love it! I thank God for my gifts because I am clear that they are all God-given.

Grow into your greatness!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012




TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2012 @ 7 P.M.

WHO: As an editor, Kierna Mayo is known for her creative as well as intellectual vision, and the former co-founder of Honey magazine will share her true editorial story--from her early days at The Source magazine to launching Honey, the first ever magazine for young, fly multicultural females, and life afterward, which includes becoming a Senior Editor at Cosmo Girl, founding Editorial Director of Tyra Banks' to now, steering into the next century.

Lola Ogunnaike has interviewed some of today's most notable personalities while serving as a culture reporter for The New York Times, CNN and BET. She is the go-to gal for what's haute in popular culture and an award-winning writer who has profiled luminaries from Jay-Z to Sting to Oprah and First Lady Michelle Obama. She shifts effortlessly between the worlds of print and broadcast, offering her unique entertainment-based commentary on programs such as Larry King Live, The Today Show, The View and most recently for BET's special coverage of Whitney Houston's funeral. Her articles and cover stories have appeared in Harper's Bazaar, New York Magazine, Vibe, Rolling Stone, The New York Times, Glamour, InStyle, and Essence to name a few, and her work was featured in the Best Music Writing of 2010 anthology. Currently, she is a Contributing Reporter for The Today Show, BET News, and a Contributing Writer for Essence and Vibe magazines.

During this series both will offer insights about turning their passions into dream careers; the biggest lessons they learned along the way, being fearless about blazing new trails, and telling the truth about what it takes to make it to the top of today's media world.

WHAT: Survival Secrets of Game Changers is’s Empowerment Speaker Series designed to highlight prominent women and men from the African-American and Latino communities, who have changed the game for themselves and created a niche where there was none. Presented as either a one-on-one or panel discussion, the series provides an intimate and candid conversation between our esteemed Game Changer(s) and the audience, where sharing the lessons they’ve learned as an entrepreneur, trailblazer or C-level executive, inspires, excites and uplifts. Survival Secrets is co-sponsored by UniWorld Group, The Beautiful Experience and Abba-Cole Catering. Promotional sponsors include NV Magazine, Michelle O Brunch & the FAB Network.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 3, 2012
7 p.m. VIP & Press interviews with speakers
7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.: Doors open to the public
7:35 p.m. to 8:35 p.m.: Discussion
8:35 p.m. to 9 p.m.: Networking

1 Metrotech North, 11th Floor (Corner of Jay Street and Myrtle)
Brooklyn, New York 11201

Click here to RSVP:

For Media Inquiries, Contact: Marcia Cole:

Join Us on Friday, March 23, 2012 at 6PM with Circle of Voices Inc. - A Tribute for Living Lesbians & Icons of African Descent

A Tribute for Living Lesbians & Icons of African Descent
Friday, March 23, 2012
6 - 10 PM

Bring your drums & Instruments for our

New York State Senator
Eric Adams
(D, WF) 20th Senate District

This tribute will include a panel discussion and musical celebration from proud LGBT Women of African Descent who lived and celebrated their sexuality in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Sharing their history as they reflect on their many challenges, great events and how the LGBT lifestyle has changed.

Kaz Mitchell, Activist & Director of Circle of Voices Inc.

Jean Wimberly,
Founder & Executive Director Circle of Voices Inc.

Roberta Stokes aka Oloyade, Dancer, Choreographer & Musician
Suhir “Blackeagle” Jones, CC- Founder of “I Am Aware Self Esteem Series for Women & Girls and COVI's Talent Coordinator
Kim Ford, founded Kitchen Table Giving Circle: A Black/African Descent LGBTQ Women Philanthropic Initiative

Entertainment MC:
Comedian Diva-Tammy Peay
Don’t Tell Mamas, The Cutting Room, Comedy Cellar, Caroline’s, Gotham Comedy Club, Stand Up NY, Nubian Dreams Cruises, Moonlight Cruises & more.

Win 2 Tickets for “Sistas”-The Musical or A Gift Basket from Organogold Coffee

El Dorado Rum Brooklyn Brewery Zen Biz Travel
Photos By Harlem Check Organogold Coffee Walker Communications Group

Circle of Voices Inc. a non-profit Womyn of African Descent and Womyn of Color organization that provide multi-cultural events of an artistic nature as nourishment for the human spirit. We provide a creative arts environment where Womyn of all orientations can exchange information, her-stories, knowledge and skills amongst each other and the community at large through performances, workshops, music festivals and seminars that express issues that affect our environment.

Brooklyn Borough Hall –Brooklyn Borough President’s Office
209 Joralemons @Court Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Door Open at 6:00pm
Panel & Entertainment start 7:00pm

THIS IS AN ALL GENDER EVENT, We welcome Community Members & Friends
Subway: 2,3,4,5, -Borough Hall/A,C,F- Jay St. / Borough Hall-/N, R –Court St. Bus: B25, B26, B37, B38, B41, B51, B52, B54, B61, B65, B67, B75

Monday, March 19, 2012

Christopher Street: CockTALES

Check out Behind the Scenes of my HOT NEW SERIES Christopher Street: CockTALES

Find out what has kept Dwight Allen O'Neal so busy!!!

Starring: Dwight Allen O'Neal, Sara N. Gebremedhin, and Marck Angel

Directed By: Preston Graham

Saturday, March 17, 2012

We Love Michelle & Barack!!! WHAT?!

Remember how far we've come. From Academy Award®-winning director Davis Guggenheim: "The Road We've Traveled".

This film gives an inside look at some of the tough calls President Obama made to get our country back on track. Featuring interviews from President Bill Clinton, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Elizabeth Warren, David Axelrod, Austan Goolsbee, and more. It's a film everyone should see.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Inspired In New York Honors Celebrated An Electrifying Evening with Tamara Tunie & Hazel Dukes

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Inspired In New York Honors Celebrated An Electrifying Evening with


L to R: Actress, Director & Producer Tamara Tunie and President of the New York State Conference NAACP photos courtesy of Wireimage

TAMARA TUNIE, world renown film, stage and television actress, director and producer, and HAZEL DUKES, President of the New York State Conference NAACP were honored by INSPIRED IN NEW YORK on Tuesday Evening, March 13, 2012 at Tian At The Riverbank in Harlem, NY.

Tamara Tunie and Hazel Dukes were chosen to receive this recognition by the honorable Assemblyman Herman Denny Farrell due to their many years as innovators and trendsetters in the arts and entertainment industries and their philanthropic fight for Human Rights. Both honorees received a proclamation from New York for their contributions.

On behalf of Inspired In New York Series we would like to give a special thanks to Assemblyman Herman D. Farrell and his team Al Taylor and Ernestine Temple. Hazel Dukes and the NAACP, Judge Laura Blackburne, Amy Brownstein, Tamara Tunie, David Weaver and the Community Board 10 members, Avalyn Simon, Sharon Long and the members of the New York Chapter of 100 Black Women, Angelo Ellerbee, Stephanie Courtney and Tai Chunn and his MVC Production Team. The success of last night's event would not be possible without all of your support.

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Media Sponsor: Uptown Magazine.

Contributing Sponsors: CME Group, Denim Lounge, Ellique Inc., Lezplay Radio, Blue Limousine Inc., MEGA Personalities, International Festival Network.

Drake Covers GQ’s ‘Style Bible’… on Newsstand March 20th


There is no secret, GQ loves Drake. GQ managed to grab him for their latest issue… again. Sporting a slim ‘n’ dapper suit and striking a few famous GQ poises, Drizzy ditches his jeans and hoodies for this fashion inspired feature.

Drake also shares the spotlight with actors/directors Dave Franco and John Slattery for the April 2012 issue. The issue is set to hit newsstands on March 20 featuring the ‘Style Bible’ installment. During the interview, Drake talks about the hip hop culture, the effects his music has had on his life and finding ways to deal with fame.

On rap music today…
“Rap now is just being young and fly and having your shit together. The mood of rap has changed.”

Dealing with fame and finding inspiration…
“When I was in my mom’s house, I had nowhere to go, no real obligations. My girlfriend at the time, if she was mad at me, my day was all fucked-up. I didn’t have anything else. And that made for some of the best music, I think, to date. Records where I felt small. That feeling is hard to capture when you’re sitting out here in a space like this.” [gestures to the pool, the tennis court, the volleyball court, the stables] “It’s really difficult for me to find something that makes me feel small.”

On past promiscuity…
“There’s just a time where it was like, just getting p$%^&. Where I was in that sort of ‘I’m young, I’m going to disconnect from my emotions and just do what everyone else tells me I should do and just a be a rapper and have my fun.’ And for me as a person, it just doesn’t work. The seconds after a man reaches climax, that’s the realest moment of your life. If I don’t want you next to me in that fifteen, twenty seconds, then there’s something wrong.”

News & Entertainment ‘Love Jones’ Creator Talks Directing E. Lynn Harris’ ‘Invisible Life’ + ‘Love Jones 2′?


Being one of the classic movies in black films, Love Jones celebrated its 15 year anniversary. Yes, 15 years! It doesn’t even seem like it has been that long but fans cannot get enough and still demand a sequel from writer and director Theodore Witcher.

In his debut, Witcher left us with a movie that helped portray another side of black culture. Since 1997, Loves Jones has had audiences craving black romantic films. Witcher seems to be current with the times a movement preparing to take on a film that deals with homosexuality in the black community.

Check out the interview between Witcher and the Urban Daily as he discussed his plans for Love Jones 2, black films and tackling homophobia in the black community.

How did it feel watching Love Jones again on the big screen?
Actually, I didn’t. I stayed for the first few minutes, and came back towards the end. It’s been so long, and the audience has seen it before, so it’s not like I’m getting the original reactions from people. Now it’s really about the pleasure of the familiarity. Your favorite scene’s coming up, your favorite line’s coming up. Over the years, your relationship with a movie changes tremendously.

There were complaints that Love Jones signaled the end of the spoken word movement, because everyone jumped on the bandwagon.
It’s the same thing as digging a rock band that no one else knows about other than you. Then when they became a hit, people say they’re a sellout because they’re a success. It’s the same phenomenon. People find a corner of a universe and once it expands, they don’t like it. My concern was more for the actual spoken word poets who wouldn’t think the poetry featured in the movie wasn’t good. If you lived in Brooklyn and going to Brooklyn Moon, that was the authentic ground zero shit. The spoken word in Love Jones would seem like a Hollywood version. I knew that, but I had to make it more accessible to a mass audience.

Last month, Larenz Tate and Nia Long tweeted a question to their followers “How would you feel about a Love Jones 2?” and the reaction was overwhelmingly positive. Would you consider directing a sequel?
Yes, we’ve discussed it. We’re working on it.

With The Help we had two black actresses (Viola Davis, Octavia) that were put front and center for award nominations. Would you consider The Help a black film?
Well, what qualifies a black film? Does it have to have a Black director? Norman Jewison who is White, directed A Soldier’s Story which has a predominantly black cast. The Help which is a mixed cast, is a story about the plight of black people. White novelist, White screenwriter, White director—is that a Black film? Probably not in the way most people mean it. If you mean like Do The Right Thing, then it’s not a Black film.

News dropped last year that you’re working on a film adaptation of E. Lynn Harris’ “Invisible Life.”
I’ve been working on that for the past year with Tracey Edmonds and some other folks. That’s still ongoing, there’s a script. It’s still a work in progress.

We had Pariah that dealt with lesbian themes, how receptive do you think the black viewing audience will be to Invisible Life?
We actually talked about that. I’m hoping they’ll be receptive. In my adaptation I took the fundamentals of the story and tried to make it as universal as possible. The main character is trying to be true to himself in an environment that won’t allow him to be. The setting takes place in the 90’s, almost 20 years ago and it was worse back then. It’s no secret that in segments of the black community there’s a certain amount of homophobia. I’m hoping we will join the 21st century and be on the right side of history and just look at the story from a human point of view.

Read more of the interview at Urban Daily

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Notes from Nathan: Don't Let Fear Choose You

When fear strikes, how do you respond?  Fear, in my opinion,  is the number one thing that keeps us from reaching our fullest potential.   The funny thing is that we can't see, smell, touch or taste it.  I have been working with a top producing executive for several months.  She asked for coaching around how to rid herself of fear.  I suggested that she record herself saying positive affirmations and playing them every night before bed.  After three weeks, she told me that whenever she feels fear creeping up on her, she hears herself giving her permission to take the risk.  I told her to think positive every second, every minute and every hour.  It's like growing and flexing a new muscle.

Our subconscious mind allows us to dwell on the negative more than the positive.  I have seen it time and time again and I myself have first hand experience of it.  We could get 100 praises but it is that one iota of negative feedback that has us retreat to a place of disappointment.  I'm here to tell you my friends that it takes the same amount of energy to focus on the positive as it does to dwell on the negative.  It is a matter of choice and declaration.

I challenge you today to declare that you are a winner.  Empower yourself to believe and succeed!  Surround yourself with people who will lift you up and see you as your higher self.  Don't let fear rule your mental space.  You were designed to win.  Claim your place in the winners circle.  Don't let fear choose you.

Sevenly yours,

Thursday, March 1, 2012

It Is What It Is Pt. 11 by Karen Minors

It had been almost a year since I saw him last, and I think of him quite frequently, dreaming of the life we could have had together. We shared some intimate moments; memories of Carlos that I would cherish forever; and a secret that I would never admit to Joaquin. I can remember the first time Carlos walked away, and it stung me. Carlos wasn’t ready for what I wanted, and when he finally confessed his love to me, it was too late. I had already met and fallen in love with Joaquin, and we were talking of marriage. Then, six years later and it just wouldn’t work.
That’s when I emailed Carlos. It was around Christmas. I just wanted to see what he was up to. Whenever I drove to work, I looked across the highway at the building where he worked and thought about him, wondering if he was thinking about me. I just wanted to say hello, but it brought back all of the feelings I had for him. And when he decided to leave his girlfriend, I thought for sure we would finally get it right and be together. But, we didn’t.
As I reminisced over those loved and lost, my radio belted out Beyoncé's song “Déjà Vù”:
Know that I can’t get over you, cuz everything I see is you, and I don’t want no substitute, Baby I swear it’s déjà vu!” 
I laughed out loud, and then thought about Malachi. And I wondered what my girls would say about me dating a white man. I don’t even know why I am trippin, cuz Kiana’s husband is white, and we all love him. A million and one things crossed my mind, and I began to feel guilty. Why am I trippin’ about what they may say? I want to be happy and I need to keep my options open. All my girls got their love thang goin’ on. I deserve it. I am worth it.