Written by: Richard E. Pelzer II
aka Lil Mogul
aka Lil Mogul
Who is Lil Mogul? I am your entrepreneur buddy, whose positive empowerment will assist you on living that entrepreneurial lifestyle. Making that decision to start your own business affects not only you but everyone currently in your life. Creating a strong support group and surrounding yourself with other likeminded business people is very necessary while taking the journey. Lil Mogul will share stories, introduce you to other business owners, friends and family members who are also on the road of creating personal wealth. We will explore together the globe view of the business world.In the first chapter of business management 101 it states that one of
the most valuable assets a company has is its good name. Within the past 10 years, a new entrepreneur has arisen. I call them, newbiepreneurs. With the rapid dissemination of information on the Internet, portable social networking and increased reliance on search engines, businesses wishing to stay viable and protect their reputation must actively monitor and react to conversations about their brand online. It’s a make or break-out phenomenon for success platform.

The Internet has caused not only a shift in the way information is delivered, but in how people seek it out and how it shapes our content consumption. Keep in mind that in April 2009 alone, there were more than 8.6 billion searches happening online according to Google the world’s number 1 search engine.
The phrase of the week…
Rich people see opportunities, Poor people see obstacles.Rich people see potential, Poor people see potential loss. Rich people focus on rewards, Poor
people focus on risks.
Rich people buy assets, things that will collect value.Poor people buy expenses, things that will definitely go down in value.Rich people collect land, Poor people collect bills.So all my newbiepreneurs, where do you stand and pour the negative energy out?
Rich people buy assets, things that will collect value.Poor people buy expenses, things that will definitely go down in value.Rich people collect land, Poor people collect bills.So all my newbiepreneurs, where do you stand and pour the negative energy out?
Let mix it UP PEOPLE together!
All very true. Lil Mogul, thanks for the insight and inspiration! "If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you do not, you will find an excuse."
Love of money is the root of all evil. But is it wrong to go after money the right way? I love me money and like to have my own. Without money there is not much you can do.
Nice way to put it Richard! You are the best!!
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